Services & Info
In the "Services & Information" section, you can find thorough information regarding the Housing Authority staff, maintenance, and various services we offer.
The "About HAD" subsection highlights general information about our agency and the people who strive to promote the success of the Housing Authority of Darlington and our residents.
The "Housing Choice Voucher Program" subsection details the process a potential applicant needs to follow in order to participate in the Voucher Program while summarizing domestic violence protection plans, eligibility requirements, and FAQ. Within the Voucher Program subsection, important information and forms for voucher participants, participant transfers, and landlords can also be found.
The "Maintenance" subsection provides public housing participants with important phone numbers, hours of operation, a list of maintenance charges, and vehicle decal information.
Within the "New Horizons Nonprofit" subsection, we illuminate our vision and mission for our nonprofit organization and how we implement those.
The "Public Housing" subsection consists of an online application, domestic violence protection plan, list of eligibility requirements, and FAQ for potential public housing applicants. Also within this subsection are important forms and varying unit measurements.