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Our employees will be glad to assist you with any mechanical or equipment failures that occur.
To report work orders, please call:

Routine Maintenance Work Orders: 843.393.0436 ext. 2003
Emergency AFTER Hours Work Orders: 843.496.8519

Click here for the Maintenance Work Order Form.

For Police and Fire emergencies, dial 911.

Maintenance Calls

Routine maintenance work orders are associated with normal wear and tear that is not a health and safety risk. Routine work orders may also involve damages that are made by the tenant, household members, or guests.

Please report maintenance problems immediately, do not wait until after 5:00 p.m. All repairs are to be made on the apartments by trained personnel from our staff. You must not make any type of repairs. If you find a dripping faucet, clogged drain, etc., please notify the maintenance office immediately, and needed repairs will be made as quickly as possible. You will be required to pay for any damages to your apartment caused by any member of your family or guests. 

Extra charges for damages by a willful act of negligence by the resident or a member of his family or guest will be assessed and is collectible in the same manner as rent. Residents are encouraged to take care of their apartments so it will not be necessary for you to have to pay for damages. 

Maintenance Charge List