HUD Announces Rule for Carbon Monoxide Detection
Dear Residents and Landlords,
HUD'S Offices of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) posted a notice on January 31, 2022, requiring carbon monoxide alarms or detectors in their HUD-assisted housing programs. The notice reminds owners and operators of Public Housing, Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA), Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Project Based Vouchers (PBV), Supportive Housing for the Elderly (Section 202), and Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities (Section 811) properties of carbon monoxide poisoning risk in housing, identify resources for preventing a detecting exposure and provides notice of the requirements for alarms or detectors to be installed in HUD-assisted housing by December 27, 2022. The notice can be viewed here.
If you are unable to access the notice via the internet, please call Lisa Williamson at 843-393-0436 extension 2006 or email Lisa for a copy to be mailed to you. At a later date, HUD will issue guidance on the verification of the carbon monoxide detectors. At that time, the Housing Authority of Darlington will reach out to you regarding verification steps.
If you have any questions, please call or email Lisa Williamson at the above phone number/email address.
Thank you,
Lisa Williamson
HCV Program Manager